Points of Interest

As a tourist destination, Lake View Cemetery offers a variety of walking, bus, and self-guided
tours. Among the tour topics are geology, architecture, horticulture, nature, animals, and history.
In addition, there are picnic sites and hiking trails. Some of the well-known points of interest include:
The Garfield Monument
- Dedicated in 1890 to honor James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States
- 180’ tall, 154 steps
- Architect-George Keller
- Caskets of the President and his wife, Lucretia, are displayed for viewing
- Listed on the National Register of Historic Places
Wade Chapel
- Built in honor of Jeptha Wade, founder of the Western Union Telegraph Company and first president of Lake View Cemetery Association
- Made of granite from Barre, VT with an interior and window by Louis Comfort Tiffany studios
- Architect-Hubbell & Benes
- Listed on the National Register of Historic Places
Rockefeller Monument
- Erected to honor the family of John Davison Rockefeller, financier and philanthropist, founder of Standard Oil Company
- 65’ tall; 357,680 lbs.
- Made of one piece of granite, the largest piece ever quarried for memorialization purposes in Barre, Vermont
Community Mausoleum
- Dedicated in April, 1990
- 1148 crypts, 928 niches
- Contemporary architecture
- Architects – Harley Ellington Pierce Yee Associates, Inc., Southfield, Michigan
- Builders – Carbone Construction
Lake View Cemetery Dam (Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Project)
- Dedicated in 1978
- The largest concrete-poured dam east of the Mississippi at the time
- 500’ across, 60’ above grade, 30’ below grade
- Holds 80M gallons storm water