Exploring Lake View Cemetery on Your Own

Lake View Cemetery is private property, and all visitors are asked to respect the privacy of our families and their family members buried here. While still an active cemetery, we do encourage the general public to visit Cleveland’s “Outdoor Museum and Arboretum.”
Our rules and regulations permit public tours, hikes and picnics, as long as they do not interfere with or disrupt interment services. Advance permission and scheduling for these activities are required by Cemetery management, which may be obtained by contacting the Community Relations Department at 216-421-2665, or emailing mkrohmer@lakeviewcemetery.com. Through advance scheduling, our Community Relations Department will be able to assist in meeting your expectations for your visit to Lake View, including informing you of road closures, funeral/wedding schedules and other groups that will be visiting Lake View that day.
For safety reasons and to protect all that use Lake View, we do not allow bike riding, rollerblading, skateboarding or motorcycles.
There are a number of ways to enjoy the beauty and history of Lake View Cemetery:
- Sunday Trolley Tours – Lake View offers history- based Lolly the Trolley tours on Sunday afternoons during the summer months. The cost is $7.00 per person and reservations with payment are required. Please check our events page for dates and times.
Self-guided Auto Tour – Cassettes and CDs are available for a self-guided tour of Lake View. The tour includes stops at the Wade Chapel and the Garfield Monument, during their regular hours of operation. Cassettes and CDs may be picked up at the office during regular business hours and also at the Garfield Monument, during its open season. The non-refundable rental fee for either the Cassette or CD is $5.00. Please anticipate leaving a form of ID in the office when you pick up the tour.
- Trail Guide – started as an Eagle Scout project, our Trail Guide leads you through Lake View. Along with the map, there are short biographies of some of the interesting people buried at Lake View. Cost of the Trail Guide is $3.00 and is available at the office, the Garfield Monument and Wade Chapel.
- Past and Present - our Past and Present brochure highlights the Early Settler’s Hall of Fame members that are buried at Lake View. Drive your car to visit 32 special people’s gravesites. Past and Present is available in our office, just inside the Euclid Gate at 12136 Euclid Ave.
- The books Cleveland’s Cemeteries, Cleveland’s Lake View Cemetery and Cleveland On Foot will also provide you with ideas for your visit at Lake View. Each is available for purchase at the Garfield Monument.
- You are more than welcome to enjoy the beauty and nature of Lake View with your dog as long as you have them leashed.